Get Writing I Don’t Share Anywhere Else
Because, apparently, I miss more frequent deadlines, I have launched a new monthly newsletter: Graff Paper.
No, this will not be a regular excuse to indulge myself in blatant self-promotion by quoting from my reviews, touting my public appearances, and generally going on about how fascinating I am! This publication exists to give me a fresh creative outlet and to connect with readers.
Each Graff Paper will include an extremely short essay about whatever’s on my mind at the moment (pop culture, publishing, parenting, writing, running, soccer, travel, Montana, Chicago, cats, and who knows what else), as well as links to other writing. I also plan to include occasional interviews of interesting people, lists of what I’m reading and watching, and playlists. These are things I won’t share anywhere else!
The first one mailed February 11, and subsequent issues will mail on the second Tuesday of every month. (After lunch, just so you know.) I hope you’ll read issue #1, “It’s Never Too Early to Blow Your Resolutions.” If you like it, please subscribe below—and tell a friend!