
Once called “the hardest working man in publishing,”* I am a Chicago-based author, editor, and literary matchmaker.

Use these quick links to access my biography, media kit, and contact information.

If you are a teacher or librarian, please click here to learn more about school visits. Students interested in learning more about me may enjoy reading my QAK.

I do my best to keep my in-person appearances updated here.

Or you may prefer to read or listen to one of these random interviews/articles/profiles about me and my work:

Chicago Writes Compelling Sex Scenes and Publishing Cocktails

How Ghostwriting Helped Keir Graff Write Full-Time

9 Questions about Working with a Coauthor

The Liars Club Oddcast #193: Keir Graff, Editor, Author, and Publisher

Crime, Love, And Consequences: Montana Noir Delivers

How Keir Graff Brought ‘Booklist’ Into the Digital Age

Marginalia: Keir Graff

Come In From the Cold: An Insider Views the Outside as Keir Graff Discusses “Montana Noir”

Main Street: The Story of Chicago’s Publishing Cocktails Series

Keir Graff Makes It Work

QnA With Aston Villa fan Keir Graff from Chicago

Interview with Keir Graff

*James Grady, author of Six  Days of the Condor. Yes, we’re friends, but I think he meant it.